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generative semanticsの例文


  • He is perhaps best known within linguistics for his work in generative semantics.
  • Since his involvement with generative semantics, he has remained a vocal critic of Noam Chomsky and work done in Chomsky's frameworks.
  • Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the generative semantics movement put up a vigorous defence of the first option, sparking an acrimonious debate, the " Linguistics Wars ".
  • Originally conceived as an extension of Noam Chomsky's work, generative semantics was regarded by many hard-line Chomskyan linguists, including Chomsky himself, as a theoretical slap in the face.
  • An important figure in the early development of generative grammar, he became a proponent of the generative semantics movement along with George Lakoff, and James D . McCawley.
  • Eventually, generative semantics spawned an alternative linguistic paradigm, known as cognitive linguistics, which attempts to correlate the understanding of language with the biological function of specific neural structures.
  • Eventually, generative semantics spawned an alternative linguistic paradigm, known as cognitive linguistics, which attempts to correlate the understanding of language together with the biological function of specific neural structures.
  • A number of ideas from later work in generative semantics have been incorporated into cognitive linguistics, head-driven phrase structure grammar ( HPSG ), construction grammar, and into mainstream Chomskyan linguistics.
  • "' Generative semantics "'is the name of a research program within linguistics, initiated by the work of various early students of Noam Chomsky : John R . Ross, Paul Postal, and later James McCawley.
  • In the late 1960s, McCawley and several young colleagues developed a new theory called generative semantics, which held that the study of grammar must necessarily involve the study of logic and meaning as well.
  • This led some of Chomsky's early students to the idea of'generative semantics' the proposal that the speaker generates word and sentence meanings by combining irreducible constituent elements of meaning, each of which can be switched'on'or'off '.
  • But as the father of generative semantics, which instills logic and meaning into the built-in grammar discovered by Noam Chomsky of MIT, McCawley liked to challenge those rules by showing the delicious complexity of our syntax.
  • :: : I hope you guys are aware that Lakoff and Postal were leading names in the Generative Semantics movement, the late-1960's anti-Chomskyite secession within generative linguistics . . . talk ) 21 : 14, 24 February 2008 ( UTC)
  • "' * " The skepticism stems, in part, from the fact that NLP is largely based on cognitive linguistics which emerged from later work on generative semantics-- the " losing " side of the heavily debated " Linguistics Wars " in academic circles of the 1960s and 1970s.
  • :: Saying that " I have an X " and " There is an X for me " are underlyingly same sentence, altered in different ways by syntactic transformations to produce different surface forms, sounds much more like Generative semantics than " orthodox " early 1960s and mid-1960s Chomskyan tranformational grammar . . . talk ) 13 : 12, 16 June 2010 ( UTC)